Good to meet you and thank you for visiting SSY Photography!
Intro: My name is Shashi and I am the owner and Lead Photographer of SSY Photography. I live and work in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area and have 3 children (1 boy and 2 girls). Although I specialize in Child Photography, I have skills in product, commercial, and Adult photography.
I pride myself on the ability to seize and document genuine expressions, natural states of wonder and capturing your children exploring their expansive world. Clients always ask me “Shashi, how did you get my child to smile like that”, I believe it’s my bubbly personality. As soon as the child walks into my studio, they are greeted with giggles and jokes.
My desire is to capture the world around me, as I view it through my eyes. By fusing a mixture of documentary style photography and capturing the authentic human expression, ensures the natural and relaxed creation of portraits.
Inspiration: I am inspired by other people who share my interests in photography. I developed an intuition while watching America’s Next Top Model (ANTM), yup! I’d eat a bowl of cereal and watch ANTM re-runs. I would take notes, while paying close attention to the posing of the models as well as the photographers’ ability to capture the models natural emotions. My intuition was born. I knew what style of photography I was interested in, now it was time to execute it.
My Start 2011: I got my start in photography by snapping photos of friends and family members, using what I learned-capturing the human expression through the lens of my camera.
I decided to take my love for photography to the next level by purchasing an entry level camera, studio equipment and a backdrop from Amazon. It wasn’t expensive, just something to get my feet wet.
At this time I had no idea if I wanted to photograph children, as I felt it would be too complicated to maintain their attention during a photo session. I began to practice on my own children to analyze how long a child’s session should last along with other tidbits. Once I felt comfortable, I decided to have my first series “Musicians from the Past and Present being portrayed by children. I had several fears while trying to execute this plan. 1. Where would I get all of these children? Would they trust my vision? 3. I only, have 3 relevant photos in my portfolio, is that enough to convince the parents I am worthy? 4. Where would I photograph them?
The Audition 2014: Despite all of my concerns, I posted my ad across several websites including social media. I was very nervous. I had several submissions, but would they actually come? Yes!! They came! There were over 80 kids that showed up to my audition. There was a line outside of the door. This is when SSY Studio Kids was born.
Opening of SSY Studios 2016: Business began to pick up, and SSY was being seen all over the country. Celebrity mentions, awards etc. We decided to open SSY Studios and have been successful since then.
Portfolio Building: Several parents expressed interests in shooting with me, however they could not afford my packages. After several months the Portfolio Building Network was developed. It houses over 30 members young and old. This is where those that need continuous photography however cannot afford the amount to upkeep can come to maintain their portfolio.
To this day, I find joy in capturing flattering photos of someone who would otherwise shy away from the camera for fear of taking an “ugly” photo. The greatest reward is to make someone feel beautiful. Finding beauty in everything and everyone is the key.
Let the photograph tell the story.